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( f ) -s, Tö ( n ) -s <Toilette>盥洗室,厕
  1. 00, Abort, Abtritt, da, wo der Kaiser zu Fuß hingeht (ugs.), Donnerbalken (ugs.), Hütte (ugs.), Kackstuhl (derb), Klo (ugs.), Klosett, Latrine, Lokus (ugs.), Null-Null, Orkus (geh.), Örtchen (ugs.), Pinkelbude (derb), Pissbude (derb), Pissoir, Retirade, Scheißhaus (derb), stilles Örtchen (ugs.), Thron (scherzhaft) (ugs.), To (ugs.), Toilette, Topf (ugs.), Wasserklosett, WC
  1. On the afternoon after the first strike against Mr. Hussein, Mr. Bush convened a cabinet meeting to set out the plan for the early stages of the warand to keep his domestic agenda alive. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)
  2. In some important ways, Mr. Bush's conduct of the war over its first three weeks was about trying to correct mistakes made by his father during and after the first gulf war. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)
  3. Meeting in Northern Ireland early last week, the president and the Prime Minister finally settled on the words "vital role" to describe the United Nations' future in Iraq - although even Mr. Powell has said he does not know what that means. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)


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