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abdominal    Aussprache  加入生词本  
abdominal, of the belly, of the stomach area

  1. [Anatomie]: abdominal (fachspr.), am Bauch, Bauch..., Unterleibs...
  1. After the palpation of a circumscript hyperdensity in the lower abdominal and sonographic control, a computed tomography was performed leading to the tentative diagnosis of a leiomyoma located in the small intestine. (Quelle: Der niedergelassene Chirurg 1998)
  2. The case of a patient suffering from abdominal pain has been reported. (Quelle: Der niedergelassene Chirurg 1998)
  3. A large number of diseases are often associated with nonspecific abdominal symptoms as pain and diarrhoea. (Quelle: Der niedergelassene Chirurg 1998)


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