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affected    Aussprache  加入生词本  
(形) 受影响; 受; 受侵袭; 假装
  1. His heart was, I knew, affected, and the constant anxiety in which he lived, however chimerical the cause of it might be, was evidently having a serious effect upon his health. (Quelle: Projekt Gutenberg)
  2. Friedman Stephen zeigt sich "not affected by the Euro, the market is quite strong". (Quelle: DIE WELT 2001)
  3. The Government with the participation of the parties will complete an action plan within 30 days after the signature of the Framework Agreement for rehabilitation of and reconstruction in areas affected by the hostilities. (Quelle: Die Welt 2001)


双立人(Zwilling) 中国刀 59

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