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closure    Aussprache  加入生词本  
[die] 闭。掉。束。
closing, shutting, closure, shutdown

[die]门, 停,
shutdown, closure, stoppage, immobilization, decommissioning
  1. Die legal closure glaubt er ihnen versprechen zu können, wenn sie bei der Initiative mitmachen: "Die amerikanische Regierung hat den ,Rechtsfrieden' zugesagt. (Quelle: Die Zeit 1999)
  2. [pfeil_schwarz_4.gif] There Is Nothing Really Rotten in the State of Denmark So the Danes have said "no" to the euro, a bit more decisively than one might have thought, given the steady closure of the gap between the "nays" and the "ayes" in days past. (Quelle: Die Zeit 2000)
  3. Whoever runs the numbers through his computers ends up with the same message: openness is good for development, and closure is not. (Quelle: Die Zeit 2000)


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