v. ……通。气。考虑。斟酌。 ventilate, consider, think over v. 考虑。真考虑。。点。。视。察。 consider vr. 静。索。考虑。想起。 bethink, consider, remember, recall vt. 评。值。判。考虑。识。白。猜测。臆想。推。 assess, judge, consider, realize, understand, imagine, conclude
For a pushover, you might consider your local chemical plant. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)
If the North takes all these steps, Washington is willing to consider security guarantees, diplomatic recognition and economic aid. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)
Regardless of how any of us feel about our political leaders, we do not worship them, nor do we consider it appropriate to do so. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)