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contrary    Aussprache  加入生词本  
adj. adv. 逆。敌
adverse, hostile, contrary

adj. adv. 。抗辩
conversely, contrary, opposite, contradictory

adj. 。执拗。倔。唱
cross grained, contrary

[der] ①照。。②抗。。③词。④敌意。敌。⑤矛盾。意见歧。差异。⑥(赋题。
opposite, contrast, contrary, differences, antagonism
  1. Coercion does not modify this, but has the contrary effect. (Quelle: Projekt Gutenberg)
  2. "On the contrary, I have half a sovereign for you if you will give me a clear answer to my questions." (Quelle: Projekt Gutenberg)
  3. "Then on Saturday, unless you hear to the contrary, we shall meet at the 10:30 train from Paddington." (Quelle: Projekt Gutenberg)


双立人(Zwilling) 中国刀 59

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