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[die] 货栈。货仓

[die] pl.Niederlagen ①败仗。挫败。击败。(辩论等)败②仓库,货栈③店,
defeat, discomfiture
  1. The quickest way to turn a military victory in Iraq into a political defeat in the Middle East is to install an American military viceroy in Baghdad, followed by a puppet Iraqi government. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)
  2. Überraschung und Stirnrunzeln dagegen gab es, als Großbritanniens Premierminister Tony Blair in einem Fernsehinterview zur rhetorischen Gesamtmobilmachung schritt und in Richtung Belgrad drohte: "We will defeat you." (Quelle: Die Zeit 1999)
  3. Quoting the noble words with which Senator Stephen Douglas had conceded defeat to Abraham Lincoln, Gore said: "Partisan feeling must yield to patriotism. (Quelle: Die Zeit 2000)


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