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fulfill    Aussprache  加入生词本  
v. ①...起, 按...动, 。②满足()。③跟。随付)。
act on, fulfill, fulfil, meet, keep up, keep up with, comply with, satisfy, follow, follow later, follow on later

vi. ①(诺言)履。遵。②(规/戒律/医嘱等)遵。遵循。照做。跟随。迎合。③()抓住。固。④(汇/速等)维。维护。
fulfill(US), fulfil(UK), comply with, respect, follow, meet, hold, maintain
  1. A law on financing of local self-government will be adopted to ensure an adequate system of financing to enable local governments to fulfill all of their responsibilities. (Quelle: Die Welt 2001)


双立人(Zwilling) 中国刀 59

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