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fungicidal    Aussprache  加入生词本  
adj.adv. 抗真菌。杀霉菌
fungicidal, fungicidally
  1. In years of high risk for the two diseases, sprays can be reduced to 2 - 3 treatments at the beginning of the vegetation period, while in years of low risk for some cultivars the fungicidal sprays can be eliminated completely (see Table 1). (Quelle: bmb+f Forschungslandkarte Deutschland 1998)
  2. Results so far show that a very significant reduction of fungicidal sprays is satisfactory achieved without risk of attacks by scab and mildew. (Quelle: bmb+f Forschungslandkarte Deutschland 1998)
  3. Commercial trials carried out over 12 years without fungicidal sprays have demonstrated, that the Pillnitz resistant cultivars (Vf, VA and Vr) have up to now a durable resistance to scab and sufficient levels of resistance to mildew. (Quelle: bmb+f Forschungslandkarte Deutschland 1998)


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