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protected    Aussprache  加入生词本  
adj. 被护着。被监视着。警戒着
guarded, protected, sheltered, shielded

adj. 受。被庇护
sheltered, protected, shielded, covered
  1. And so we find ourselves in the situation where intellectual property rights, for example, are protected far more vigorously than fundamental human rights. (Quelle: Die Zeit 2001)
  2. The result is that every year, more than 90 million newborn children are protected against iodine deficiency, and thus against a major cause of mental retardation. (Quelle: Die Zeit 2002)
  3. This sense of safety and security is a precious thing - for 50 years NATO protected it, and it is still NATO's job to preserve it. As we move into the 21st Century, I am totally confident that we have the tools, the people, and the vision, to do the job. (Quelle: DIE WELT 2001)


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