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unit    Aussprache  加入生词本  
n 1 individual thing, person or group regarded for purposes of calculation, etc as single and complete, or as part of a complex whole (算单位等群体整体)单位, 单元: * the family as the unit of society 单位庭 * The course book has twenty units. 单元.

2 quantity chosen as a standard in terms of which other quantities may be expressed, or for which a stated charge is made ()单位: * The metre is a unit of length. 单位. * The monetary unit of Great Britain is the pound. 英货币单位镑. * SI units 标准单位 * a bill for fifty units of electricity 帐单.

3 (esp in compounds 尤复合词) (a) part with a special function within a large or complex machine (件, 元件, 件: * a `filter unit 滤装置 * the central `processing unit in a computer . (b) group with a special function within a large or complex organization (组织)单位: * a unit of highly-trained soldiers 士兵 * a bomb-disposal unit 未爆炸弹组.

4 piece of furniture, equipment, etc designed to fit with others that are similar or complementary (组合套设备等)组合件: * matching kitchen units 配套厨房设备 * storage units 存储设备.

5 (a) smallest whole number; the number 1 整数; 1: * The number 34 consists of three tens and four units. 34数含. (b) any whole number from 0 to 9 09任何整数: * a column for the tens and a column for the units 十位数位数. 复合: ,unit `price price charged for each single item of goods of the same type 单价. ,unit `trust (Brit) (US `mutual fund) investment company that invests the combined contributions of its members in various securities and pays them a dividend
  1. Die Neurologin Claudia Eichten ist Stationsärztin des "Stroke Unit". (Quelle: Berliner Zeitung 1995)
  2. Beinahe sechs Jahre lang hat sein Chef, Professor Hans-Christoph Diener, den "Stroke Unit" geplant und erkämpft. (Quelle: Berliner Zeitung 1995)
  3. Weil die ersten sechs Stunden unmittelbar nach dem Anfall entscheidend sind für den Erfolg einer Behandlung, haben die Mediziner im "Stroke Unit" ihre Arbeit perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt. (Quelle: Berliner Zeitung 1995)


双立人(Zwilling) 中国刀 59

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